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October 27, 2006
Two Upcoming Lectures at the Cooper Union
On October 30th, Renzo Piano will give the inaugural presentation of the Frazen Lecture. Admission is $10. As this lecture is co-sponsored by the Architecture League, League members can make reservations by emailing info@archleague.org or calling 212.980.3767.
On November 14th, Thom Mayne of Morphosis will speak. Admission is free.
Both lectures start at 6:30 pm and are held, as usual, at the Great Hall inside Cooper Union's Foundation Building (7 East 7th Street).
See their work I have photographed on Figure/Ground:
- Morgan Library Expansion - Renzo Piano (1 photo)
- Auditorium Parco della Musica - Renzo Piano (31 photos)
- Caltrans District 7 Headquarters - Thom Mayne/Morphosis (29 photos)
Filed Under:
Architecture & Design